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I Chopin International Piano Competition, Hartford, CT

Category A

Grand Prix                      Oliver Betz

Grand Prix                      David Kotler

1st  Prize                        Michelle Lu  

2nd  Prize                       Caroline Ma                                        

                                         Hailey Meng                                        

                                         Shirley Wang


Category B

1st Prize                         Kadar Qian

2nd Prize                        Anna Pan

Honorary Mention          Ethan Wu


Category C

1st Prize                         Not Awarded

2nd Prize                        Sarah Pan

3rd Prize                         Mary Pan

Honorary Mention          Conan Xiao


Special prize for the best performance of Fryderyk Chopins works - Kadar Qian

Special prize for the best performance of  J.S. Bachs works - Kadar Qian



David Cieri

Margreet Francis

Theodosia Ntoku

Sebastyen Nyiro

Mike Shakinovsky



Kadar Qian- I Prize Winner

F.Chopin Waltz, Op.18

Kadar Qian-I Prize Winner

F.Chopin Etude, Op.10/8

Anna Pan - II Prize Winner

F.Chopin Waltz in E minor, Op.posth

Oliver Betz-Grand Prix

Mozart - Rondo in D major, K 485

David Kotler-Grand Prix

F.Chopin Mazurka, Op 50 No 3

All Rights Reserved by Dr. Krystian Tkaczewski

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