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February 27, 2015

March 6, 2015

March 12-15, 2015

April, 2015

May, 2015

May, 2015

May, 2015

May 2015

May 2015

May 2015

May 2015

June 5-14, 2015

July 3, 2015

July 4-9, 2015

July 10, 2015

July 11-24, 2015

July 30-August 2, 2015

August 16-23, 2015

October 22-November 9, 2015

November 4, 2015

November 12, 2015

November 20, 2015

November 21, 2015

December 22, 2015

December 23, 2015

December 24, 2015

December 25-29 , 2015

Master Recital at Warminsko-Mazurska Philharmony in Olsztyn

Recital and receiving the prize of Ambassador of Tarnow in City
Council Birthday Gala in Tarnow

VI Chopin International Piano Competition in Hartford, CT
artistic director and president of jury, masterclass

Recital and masterclass  in Chopin Fest Kosovo

Recital in the “Chopin by the lake” series in Botanical Gardens in Singapore

Recital and masterclass for Tanglewood Music School in Singapore

Masterclass   for School of the Arts (SOTA) in Singapore

Masterclass and lecture at Steinway Gallery in Singapore

Chopin Lecture for Steinway Boutique in Manila, Philippines

Masterclass for National University, Philippines

Debut International Piano Competition in New York,  judge

San Jose International Piano Competition,  judge and Chopin  lecture

Opening recital of Chopin Festival in Kurozweki

International Masterclass in Castle Kurozweki

Chopin Festival in Kurozweki- Master of Ceremony

XXI Chopin Festival “Lato z Chopinem” in Busko-Zdroj,

Artistic Director, recital, masterclass and master of ceremony

Troisdorf International Piano Competition, jury

Rosario Marciano International Piano Competition  in Vienna

17th International Chopin Competition of Asia in Tokyo- judge and masterclass

Masterclass at Showa University in Kanegawa

Merit for Culture Medal recognition in Consulate of Republic of Poland In New York

Recital  for Fryderyk Chopin Society of Texas in Corpus Chrisiti

Recital for Fryderyk Chopin Society of Texas in Harlingen

Masterclass in Osaka

Masterclass  in Tokyo

Christmas Recital at Tako

Dryard Piano Academy in Tsumagoi Yamaha Center, Kakegawa-  jury and masterclass

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